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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

HATE: The Foulest Four Letter Word

It is November, 2012. It is not November 1844. It is not November 1964.

America, it is time to dig a hole in the ground, put all your intolerance in that hole and bury it. Stop  embarrassing this country. Stop embarrassing yourselves. Wearing a badge of intolerance is no longer acceptable. We have put up with your shit for too long.

I have witnessed race riots, assassinations, horrible things said about and to gay people. I went to segregated schools. In my life I have seen the ugly side of America. Why in the world anyone would want to live that way again is beyond me. It was not our country's best moments.

Hate is a four letter word. The opposite of hate is Love, another four letter word. They are not interchangeable. You cannot say you love America but you hate some Americans. That makes you a hypocrite. You cannot call yourself a patriot unless you are willing to fight for everyone, not just some. You do not have to add to a conversation that you have gay friends, Black friends, Muslim friends, Hispanic friends. because if they were truly your friend, a person that you care deeply about, they would just be your friend. Friends don't need labels.

If you are uncomfortable about someone who is different from you, you might want to stand in front of the mirror and have a heart to heart conversation with yourself. Is it fear? Is it because of something you heard your parents say? Are you afraid you will lose friends if you become friends with this new person? Why do you feel the way you do? Get honest with yourself.

During one of America's darkest time, the Civil War, more men were killed than any other war we have ever fought. The loss of personal property was devastating. It was a war that pitted brother against brother, cousin against cousin, and brought our country to it's knees. Saying you want to secede from this country because the white guy didn't win the Presidency is unconscionable. It doesn't even make sense. He's only their for four more years; he's not a dictator for life. I grumbled through eight years of George W. Bush, I'm sure you can manage to get through the next forty-eight months. Women roared when a few old white guys thought they could define different levels of rape, but some of those same women have signed these silly petitions to have their state secede from the United States. Ladies, shame, shame, shame.

If Hate is to become America's new national past time, then I'll pass. My years on this earth are limited. I have already wasted too much time hating myself for things I didn't do, things I didn't say, things I cannot fix. Hate is a time consuming emotion. It can turn you into someone that others don't recognize. When you wear your hate on your sleeve, you distance the people who love you. It's hard thing to fix. If you gravitate towards other haters, how much do you really have in common? Probably not too much. It is true that sometimes love is not enough. Before we accept that, we reach into every corner of our soul to find some extra love to carry us over the bridge of despair. Hate isn't like that. When you start running out of hate, there's nothing left. You either replace it with love, or you leave yourself empty and wanting.  It's just not worth it, this thing called hate. It will never set you free. But it will kill you.


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