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Monday, October 29, 2012

Obama Turning the US into a Socialist Country? No, it Doesn't Work That Way.

I find it fascinating when people claim Obama is turning the United States into a Socialist country. I frown a little because, well, I passed Western Civ and US History in both high school and college. They seem to believe Obama has a ridiculous amount of power in the Presidency. Yet, they fail to recognize that our country is one of the few in the world that takes our Constitution seriously and has never decided to throw it away and write a new one. Our country has three checks and balances to insure that no one part of our government has too much power. The Constitution was a direct result of the power of the King of England who had, at that time, complete power over all things British.

The founding fathers might be surprised to see how America, 2012 style, still holds the Constitution as the law of the land. Because of that Constitution, no one person holding public office can change the type of government we have. If Obama wanted to change America from a Democracy to a Socialist government, which he does not, he would have to convince Congress, the Supreme Court, and the country that this is what we should do. It's not happening, it's not going to happen, and all the bell ringers should start educating themselves why it can't happen. The only other way to get rid of our democracy would be a revolution or a military coup. Again, that's not going to happen.

The United States is huge, compared to countries that are socialist government. We are so diverse that one can hardly imagine our country running any other way. The Creature Theory works well to keep local and state governments in check, and hold them accountable, in the way that they should be, to the next level of government above them. All towns and counties are a creature of their state; ultimately  they only have rights that are given by the state.  A state is a creature of the US government. Their rights come from the Federal government. That is one reason why voter suppression laws have been tossed around and ultimately shot down in federal courts. Voting is a right granted to Americans by the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and by the Voting Rights Act. When voting rights are suppressed by a state government, the Federal Government, in one of the three parts of government spelled out in the Constitution, through the Federal Judicial system, has the power to say to the state, "knock it off."

Every social reform, in the best interest of the American people, has been an uphill battle by the president who introduces such reform. FDR was accused of turning to the US into a socialist government when he pushed through legislation to start Social Security. So was LBJ when he created Medicare. Abraham Lincoln was called a monkey and characterized as one in many political cartoons during his time in the White House. Barack Obama has so much hate thrown at him I sometimes wonder how his wife Michelle and his two daughters manage to get through each day without crying themselves to sleep. If President Obama had never gone down the road to the Affordable Health Care Law, I can guarantee that it would be Mitt Romney's One Big Idea.

So, we are not becoming a Socialist country. There is no way that's going to happen. Obama is not a Socialist nor is a Fascist. As Fascist, such as Hitler was, takes power by force. If you understand history, Hitler was able to take over most of Europe because he sent his armies in to roll over countries who had no defense. He murdered millions of people and then murdered millions more. Obama is not Hitler. Anyone who thinks he is needs a brain transplant.

Our country will survive no matter who becomes President for the next four years. The big question is how will we look in 2016? We have one man hoping to continue what he has started. We have another man who feels he is entitled to be President. One man has a clear vision of what he hopes to accomplish in the next four years. The other has no idea. Yet, the hatred towards the man who truly understands the Constitution is far greater than the millions of people who share his vision. The hatred is not for what he stands for, it is a deep seated hatred that has been dormant in this country for over forty years. It is because he is Black. Our Congress has refused to do anything for the past four years because they hate him THAT much. I ask you, what does that say about our country? 

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