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Monday, October 15, 2012

Mitt the Hypocrite

I don't know how I ended up with it, but I have a copy of the vetting file that the McCain campaign put together on Mitt Romney. Now many people scratched their heads when John McCain stated that Sarah Palin was a better candidate, but after going through this extensive file, I have to admit that John McCain was right. Maybe Sarah Palin wasn't the brightest bulb in the room, but she was consistent, consistently dumb, but consistent. Her
admiration of John McCain was sincere and as much as I am not nor ever was a fan of her hers, I think at the time her political ambitions were simply to serve as John McCain's Vice President.

Mitt Romney was never in the same league as Sarah Palin. Not by a long shot. His ambitions would have overshadowed John McCain much in the same way Paul Ryan's admiring fans have overshadowed Mitt Romney. As we saw last week, Mitt Romney is not happy when people prefer to see his running mate and not him. In sharp contrast, President Obama loves to see people who love Joe Biden. It validates President Obama's choice for the Vice President.

The latest sound bite from Mitt Romney is he's going to crack down on China. Because they have stolen our jobs. Oh.

Those missing tax returns are getting clearer and clearer every day. It's almost at the point where we don't need to see them because we already know what's in there. Mitt Romney has investments in China. He has investments in Iran. I'm willing to bet my last cent he has investments in Russia.

Right now, there is a company called Sensata in Freeport, Illinois and their employees are fighting to save their company. It is owned by Bain Capital and Bain Capital is closing it and sending their jobs to China. They have camped out across the street in a tent city called Bainport. These are good, middle class jobs. The same middle class jobs Romney claims China has stolen. Well, China didn't actually steal Sensata's jobs. Bain Capital sold them to China. I guess Mitt would say he's off the hook on that one.

Romney may argue that he is longer involved in Bain Capital, but that's not the point. He profits from situations like this. He profits greatly. Not to mention that as a man running for President, one would assume that he still wields a great deal of influence at Bain Capital. What has he done? Nothing. What has he said about Sensata? Nothing. Will the people in Freeport, Illinois vote for him? Not likely.

He does not sense his own disconnect. Is something wrong with him? I am beginning to think so. I have never known anyone who is uber wealthy. I have met people who are wealthy and I have to say that the few I have known are very, very aware of the world they live in. They are people who quietly contribute money to causes they believe in, help out individuals in dire straights and never ask for anything in return. They see a wrong and fix it. They have a heart and they have a soul. There are millions of these individuals in this world, but Mitt Romney is not one of them. We all know of people who are uber wealthy. Generally they are celebrities. They make a mark in the world two ways - they entertain us but often they do incredible work which we only know about because they are always surrounded by the press. Think about Angelina Jolie, George Clooney, Sean Penn, and the late Princess Diana. Mitt Romney? Nah.

In another few weeks the election will be over. I sincerely hope President Barack Obama gets reelected. The world will not blow up if he is not, but then again, I'm not sure quite sure I trust Mitt Romney with the key to the end of the world. That's one scary thought.

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