Our Senate and Congress are all elected by We the People. We vote for the candidate we feel will best represent us and our needs in our respective states. We found out this past week that this is a fairy tale and we better start paying attention to what is happening in the District of Columbia.
I have no problem with all the elected officials here in Liberal Land, also known as the State of Connecticut. They know what we want and we need. They have been overwhelmed, along with the residents of our little state, by the horrendous mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown. This is not the first mass shooting here in Connecticut. We had the Lottery Headquarters shooting which happened because of an employee that just snapped. The reasoning for this was because the employee had just returned to work after being out on medical leave for mental health issues. A few years ago, at a company named Hartford Distributors, an employee who was about to be fired pulled out a gun and shot everyone he could before turning the gun on himself. The grief and sorrow for the families who lost a loved one in these two shootings was mirrored by the outpouring of grief and horror of the residents of Connecticut. As time moves forward, these shootings get tucked away in our brains and we move on.
Not this time.
The glaring disregard by members of Congress and members of the Senate to pass some form of legislation about gun control is shameful. What is equally shameful is no one seems to have the backbone to stand up to the NRA and their fear mongering pointed at everyone, members and non-members. We do not have to fear our government and the NRA, they need to fear We the People. After Newtown, everyone was on board to "do something," and both Congress and the Senate vowed to do whatever they could to help stop this senseless massacre of children and adults that happens in every state of our country. The NRA asked them to wait until "the Connecticut affect died down." It might not be on the news anymore, but the Connecticut affect has not died down. It is staring at every member of the Senate who did not vote for an assault weapon ban and a limit of ammunition.
To those members who would not vote in favor of the bill in the Senate, this next part is you:
Do not assume We the People will forget this come election day. You can throw around a few good things you have done in the Senate, but they pale next to your cowardly behavior for not voting "yes" when polls show 93% of Americans support changes in gun laws. How can you hold your head up high? How do you sleep at night? How can you ignore that a fellow member of Congress was gunned down in front of a supermarket? A child died that day. Does she not count? On Friday, a mother taking her daughter out for a walk in Brunswick,Georgia was "robbed at gunpoint", and because she no money on her, her daughter was shot right in front of her eyes. Does that child not count?
Stand up for your constituents, not the NRA. Be brave. Don't be the cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz, be the Tin Man who finally finds his heart. Be courageous. You don't owe the NRA anything. It doesn't matter if they don't throw money your way because they don't speak for you (or do they?) When you are campaigning again, you have a unique opportunity to say "I did not take one bloody cent from the NRA."
Just remember this: We the People don't forget, even through, others may think we do. We the People have no problem with citizens who hunt and secure their guns with same regard as the Hope Diamond. They are the people you should be having a conversation with, not the fruit loops in the NRA..
In the meantime, we will be watching you. We will keep a scorecard on you. And, if you fail to vote on behalf of all the people that gave you your job, you just might find yourself in the unemployment line.
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