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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Foreign Policy - Mitt Romney, Really?

Mitt Romney has tried one more time to get a grip on foreign policy. And once again, he has failed. Besides basically stating he would follow most of the policies President Barack Obama has followed, he wishes to create peace between Israel and Palestine. That would be the same Palestine that he said "lacks culture" and "does not want peace." He would also intervene in the civil war in Syria.

He missed a very important event happening in Syria, and it's a game changer, not for Romney, but for the region surrounding Syria. And that is Turkey.

Perhaps Romney just didn't know, but should have known, that Syria is throwing bombs over the border into Turkey. Turkey, a member of the UN, may need some help if they cannot contain Syria's increasing desire to drag someone, anyone, into their internal bloodbath. They can only slaughter so many of their citizens until it becomes clear that they need someone else to blame for their internal unrest. Turkey, to it's credit, has become a home for refugees seeking a safe haven from the indiscriminate killing streets of Syria. Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon have also allowed refugees across their borders. If any country can sympathize with the collateral casualties of war, it is Iraq and Lebanon.

Turkey has stated again and again they do not want war. No one wants war, and honestly, the one nation that definitely does not war is the people of the United States. We are tired, we are sad, and we want out of Afghanistan.  Romney has alluded that we should stay longer in Afghanistan which in Romney-speak is indefinitely. Since Mitt knows so much about Russia, you would think he might look for a few clues at their failed ten year war in Afghanistan.

Mitt Romney has stated that Russia is our greatest threat. Is that the same Russia Sarah Palin used as her foreign policy experience? It seems like Romney got stuck in a time warp and didn't realize the USSR no longer exists. I don't think Russia is by any means a sweet kitten minding its own business, but I think Russia is more of a thug, not a superpower threat. Maybe I'm wrong, but I swear all those black and white films of the USSR's past military might were in part, made of cardboard. Russia's best weapon now is it's veto power in the UN.

What is going to happen if Syria drags Turkey into their war? Turkey certainly will respond as they are attempting to now. A country can only take so many bombs lobbed over their border before they respond with swift action. As a member of the UN, how would President Mitt Romney handle this? I am afraid that Mitt will get his very own war. If he doesn't start WWIII with Iran, he can always try a smaller version with Syria. The problem with that is perspective. We don't belong in Syria, it's much more complicated that Libya. But if Turkey needs help, as a fellow UN Nation, we can come to their aid, if and when they ask for help. We won't be at war with Syria, we will help defend Turkey. My problem with a President Romney is that I doubt he'll know the difference.

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