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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

War on Christmas? Did Congress Approve It?

There is no War on Christmas.

There never was a War on Christmas. This is something Fox News invented to rally up the low informed viewers that seem to love all the bullshit that comes out Fox News anchors everyday. Just because you read something on the internet doesn't make it true. Just because it comes out of Bill O'Reilly's mouth doesn't make it true either.

Let me tell you how Bill O'Reilly became the laughing stock of Connecticut about twenty years ago. He used to work for a local station, the same station that helped launch Mika Brzezinski's career when she was just a young, local correspondent. Most people didn't even know she was Zbigniew Brzezinski's daughter. Everyone knew who Bill O'Reilly was. He was as narcissistic then as he is now. I don't remember how a private tape recording of a very, very drunk Bill O'Reilly got into the public arena, but it did, and it was played over and over again on a local rock station. He was lamenting about a prostitute and how no one loved him. I'll go out on a limb here and say the nuts haven't fallen very far from that tree.

So, according to Bill O'Reilly, his show, the "No Spin Zone" (ha!) is the most watched news show on television. I don't watch it so I can't comment on that point. One fact I do know is Bill O'Reilly lies and makes up "stuff". The "War on Christmas" is a perfect example. Where did this so-called war start? On Bill O'Reilly's show. He tried bullying Governor Lincoln Chafee (I-RI) the other night about the State's 'Holiday tree'. I'm not sure if O'Reilly really understands that Governor Lincoln Chafee is the son of former Rhode Island Governor and Senator John Chafee, who also happened to be a decorated Korean War Veteran. This berating of Governor Chafee came one day after O'Reilly argued with an atheist that Christianity was a philosophy, not a Religion. So, following his logic I guess Judaism, Islamism, Muslimism, Mormonism, Catholicism, and I'll throw in Orgasms, are all just philosophies. So, if Christianity is a philosophy, what difference does it make if you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays? Why don't we celebrate Plato's birthday too?

If the people who invented "Black Friday" are any indication that 'Merry' and 'Christmas' do not belong together, that just reinforces the point there is no War on Christmas. If corporations would allow their employees to enjoy the entire National Day of Thanksgiving until at least 12:01 am the next day when the Greed of Christmas takes over, perhaps sense and sensitivity would return to shoppers who will do anything to be first in line.  This year "Black Friday" started on Thanksgiving Thursday and the people approved. Some ate their Thanksgiving turkey at 6:00 am Thanksgiving day just to get out and shop.They did not act like there was a 'War on Christmas"; they acted like they were the War. All the while, Bill O'Reilly and the crew of blonds and nitwits from Fox News sit on the sidelines fanning the fire with pictures of Barack Obama, because everyone knows, everything is his fault.

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